1 Apr 2015

Here's a thought: How can we be more mindful of our wellbeing and how it effects us and others?

Now that the first school term has ended it is worth reflecting on all of the positive achievements that have occurred over the past few weeks. Being a short term it is always tempting to cram in as much as possible to ensure the children are learning and achieving. 
Along with tight deadlines and short spans of time comes a lot of stress on everyone. Teachers become tired, as do the children and pretty soon our energy levels become too low or extremely high rather than calm and centred. 

Thank goodness there are holidays to look forward to. 

It got me thinking....

How can we become more mindful of those energy levels throughout the term and have strategies in place to ensure they don’t effect the quality of teaching and learning as well as the wellbeing of everyone in our learning community?

How can we be more mindful of our wellbeing and how it effects us and others? 

1. You may notice that everything seems to escalate towards the end of term and this can be due to many factors, most of all the energy that everyone is projecting without realising. 

This is a good time to slow down and try not to do too many things in the final weeks of school. Plan for quieter activities for the children so they are not feeling too hyperactive and are able to begin holidays feeling refreshed rather than tired.

2. Encourage families to be conscious of this time, that their children are becoming tired and that they need plenty of rest and extra understanding if they become highly emotional at home. Providing a calm environment at home can help during this time.

3. Teachers also need to be mindful of their wellbeing during this time as they too are tired and are feeling the energy of the children. If they are encouraged to spend some time outside school in taking care of their wellbeing this will be reflected in the energy they bring to the classroom. Also being mindful of how the children are feeling and working on ways to bring a sense of calm to the classroom will inevitably provide benefits for everyone.

4. Reflection on how activities and events have been presented and structured during the term and assessing how they may be implemented differently to ease pressure and stress on individuals is another way to be more strategic in approach and timing during next term and for the remainder of the year. 

5. Ask teachers for their feedback on how they feel at the end of term and work on strategies to improve overall processes and methods to ensure the school climate is calm and centred rather than rushed and frantic. 

These are just a few thoughts to end the term with positive energy and experiences to continue to build relationships and improve wellbeing in your learning community. 

Contact Rachel on 0419 371 876 to learn more about how Practically Learning can assist you in developing and inspiring a positive learning culture in your school to improve learning outcomes for children.

Weekly Perspective: 
“Without emotional understanding it is difficult to feel connected. Emotional relating opens the door for collaborative, integrative communication in which a dialogue can take place that allows us to connect to each other.” Daniel J Seigel and Mary Hartzell 

Until next time, keep thinking…...and taking action!